Similar words: squirt, squirm, quire, quirk, quirky, require, inquire, inquiry. Meaning: n. plaything consisting of a toy pistol that squirts water.
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1. It no longer resembled the little squirt gun that Mrs Witherspoon had once cupped in her palm.
2. Did you tell him about my squirt gun idea?
3. High pressure squirt gun is alternative for space spinkle.
4. Don't squirt me with your squirt gun!
5. I turned on the squirt gun, and she stood there, stiff, arms at her sides, eyes closed, as though awaiting mummification.
6. And you remember that kid who always brought a squirt gun to class?
7. It is illegal to buy , sell or possess a squirt gun.
More similar words: squirt, squirm, quire, quirk, quirky, require, inquire, inquiry, enquire, enquiry, acquire, required, acquired, squib, squid, inquire about, requirement, squish, squint, montesquieu, disquietude, preliminary enquiry, reserve requirement, mortgage, not guilty, gun, begun, big gun, shogun, smoking gun.